Did You Know Writers Play Blog Tag?

Covers of Novels by Mari Biella and Lucinda Elliot
Novels by the friends who tagged me: The Quickening is a wonderfully moody ghost story set in the English fenlands. That Scoundrel, Emile Dubois is an amusing gothic with a touch of time travel and a vampire or two or… Kindle editions of both books are available from Amazon; Lucinda Elliot’s novel can be had in EPUB from Kobo.

As you probably already know, writers get up to all sorts of mischief. We are born troublemakers. You have only to think about the authors self-promoting on Twitter, Facebook, and the book chats to see what I mean. It’s how we avoid working on our books when things aren’t going well or we’re temporarily fed up! I suspect restlessness must be afoot once more because I’ve been tagged in a blogging game by two of my writer friends, Lucinda Elliot and Mari BiellaThe game entails answering questions about a novel in progress. With people coming at me from all sides, I need to get a move on, so here goes!

What is the working title of your book?

I’m currently working on five novels but will focus on The Salt Wizard for the game. Why do I have five books underway at the same time? Well, I didn’t plan it that way. In my early years as a writer, every time I became badly stuck, I started another book! As it happened, this mad scheme eventually matured into a conscious technique. Having a number of novels going at the same time gives me something interesting to beaver away at, no matter what. Now I swap back and forth among the novels as mood and opportunity allow. Lately, I have become serious about finishing something and getting it out there, so I’m concentrating on The Salt Wizard.

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